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14 - 17 May

Book World Prague 2015
21st international book fair and literary festival

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DAJAMA - Krásy Slovenska, s.r.o. (P102, S116, )

Ľubľanská 2
831 02 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
  • RNDr. Daniel Kollár, ředitel
  • ,
tel.: +421 2 5465 2055, mob.: +421 918 320 115
DAJAMA publishers – geographical and travel literature on Slovakia.

Dánské velvyslanectví (S117, )

Maltézské nám. 5
118 00 Praha 1 - Malá Strana
Czech Republic
  • Petra Kouřimská, Public Diplomacy Officer
  • ,
The Danish Embassy promotes Danish culture in the Czech Republic.

Dar Al-Fajr for Publishing & Distribution (S201, )

4 Hashem Alashqar street
11769 Cairo
  • Islam Fouad, General Manager
  • ,
tel.: +20 12 2516 9066

Dar Alrashad for Printers & Publishers and Distributors (S201, )

14 Gawad Hosny ST
11111 Cairo
  • Issam Rashad, Owner and Director of the House
  • ,
tel.: +20 2 2393 4605, +20 12 8291 9332

Dar FEKRA for Publishing and Distribution (S201, )

Arish Street from the Pyramids of Giza Street
  • Ayman Hasan Sabah, General Manager
  • ,
tel.: +20 111 444 4345, 128 241 0458 , +97 470 396 595


Pernerova 36
186 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic
  • Luis Ochoa Torcal, General Manager
  • Petra Konvičková, Course Manager
tel.: +420 252 545 950, mob.: +420 723 955 545
Bookshop with books in Spanish, textbooks and courses of Spanish.

Divadelný ústav (S116, )

Jakubovo nám. 12
813 57 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
  • Tatiana Danišová,
  • ,
tel.: +421 2 2048 7400
fax: +421 2 5293 1571
Theatre science, theatre history, world drama, Slovak drama, almanacs, catalogues.

Divadlo pod Palmovkou (L116, )

Zenklova 34
180 36 Praha 8
Czech Republic
  • Vlaďka Němcová, PR
  • Barbara Tůmová, vedoucí marketingu a produkce
tel.: +420 604 202 206, mob.: +420 739 045 548
This theatre has a classical repertoire of world drama of various genres, the main features of which are a great story, the ability to express emotions and thoughts with clarity, and laughter – attributes that bring audiences back to the theatre. The newly established Palmoffka studio presents works by contemporary authors for mainly younger audiences.

Divadlo v Dlouhé (L309, )

Dlouhá 39
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
  • ,
  • ,
tel.: +420 224 826 801
fax: +420 224 826 801
The V Dlouhé Theatre gives performances for adults, children, young people and entire families.

Dokořán s.r.o. (L109, )

Holečkova 9/100
150 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic
  • PhDr. Marek Pečenka, majitel
  • Lenka Doležalová,
tel.: +420 257 320 803, mob.: +420 773 886 456
fax: +420 257 320 805
Publisher of educational literature which takes excursions into journalism, fiction and poetry.

Domowina-Verlag GmbH (L803, )

Tuchmacherstr. 27
D-02625 Bautzen
  • Maria Matschie, ředitelka
  • Janka Pötschke de Lévano, vedoucí redaktorka
tel.: +49 3591 577 242
fax: +49 3591 577 243
Lusatian-Serb publishing house.

Dům národnostních menšin o.p.s. (P404, )

Vocelova 3
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
  • Mgr. Jakub Štědroň,
  • ,
mob.: +420 725 479 709, 777 905 223
The House of National Minorities provides support to organisations representing minority interests that produce periodical and non-periodical publications in the languages of national minorities.

Nakladatelství Dar Ibn Rushd, s.r.o. (L312, )

Komenského nám. 949
250 01 Brandýs nad Labem
Czech Republic
  • Dr. Charif Bahbouh, Ph.D., ředitel
  • Jaroslava Bičovská, jednatelka
mob.: +420 728 469 177
Focuses primarily on the Orient. Literature in translation, fiction, dictionaries, coursebooks for Oriental languages, encyclopaedias of the Orient world.