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14 - 17 May

Book World Prague 2015
21st international book fair and literary festival

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EUROPEAN INSTITUTE Publishing House (S204, )

Str. Grigore Ghica Vodă No. 13, Et. 9
700469 Iași
  • Anca Untu-Dumitrescu, Director
  • ,
tel.: +40 232 230 197
fax: +40 232 230 197

I.B.Tauris (P002, )

6 Salem Road
W2 4BU London
United Kingdom
  • ,
  • ,
tel: +44 20 7243 1225
fax: +44 20 7243 1226

Ikar (L101, )

Nádražní 896/32
150 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic
  • Mgr. Markéta Daxnerová, PR Manager
  • ,
tel.: +420 296 536 111
fax: +420 296 536 935

IKAR, a.s. (S116, )

Kukuričná 13
831 03 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
  • Michal Synak,
  • ,
tel.: +421 2 4910 4311
fax: +421 2 4910 4350
Fiction, non-fiction, social science, cookbooks, literature for children, graphic publications.

Incheba a.s. (S116, )

Viedenská cesta 3-7
851 01 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
  • Ing. Marek Mésároš, manažer veletrhu
  • ,
tel.: +421 2 6727 2485, mob.: +421 911 100 720
fax: +421 2 6727 2201
Organizer of Slovakia’s largest book fair, BIBLIOTEKA.

Instituto Cervantes de Praga (S106, )

Na Rybníčku 536/6
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
  • Marcela Petrů, kulturní oddělení
  • ,
tel.: +420 221 595 212, mob.: +420 605 103 391
Centre of Spanish culture in Prague and Carlos Fuentes Library.

Integrál Brno (L414, )

Nováčkova 26
614 00 Brno
Czech Republic
  • Václav Kazda, manažer
  • Dagmar Podešvová, produkční časopisu
tel.: +420 545 213 964, mob.: +420 702 036 022
Production and distribution of books from the Grail Message Foundation, principally ‘In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message’ by Abd-ru-shin.

International New York Times (P301, )

391 Totten Pond Road
02451 Waltham
  • Emmery Brakke, Marketing Manager
  • ,
tel.: +1 781 373 5098


Aleea Alexandru No. 38
011824 Bucharest, Sector 1
  • Mariana Avanu Marcu, Editor in Chief
  • ,
tel.: +40 31 710 0618, +40 31 710 0621
fax: +40 31 710 0638

Velvyslanectví Státu Izrael (S115, )

Badeniho 2
170 06 Praha 7
Czech Republic
  • Petra Mohylová, Head of New Media and Public Diplomacy
  • ,
tel.: +420 233 097 515
fax: +420 233 097 519
General, business and consular information, cultural activities.