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14 - 17 May

Book World Prague 2015
21st international book fair and literary festival

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Časopis XB-1, s.r.o. (P615, )

Nám. Republiky 1081/7
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
  • Alexandr Rusevský, vydavatel
  • Ing. Vladimír Ríša, ředitel
mob.: +420 606 704 333
XB-1 is the last large literary magazine to be published without subsidies or grants. Founded in 1990, it is a home of sci-fi, fantasy and horror. Each month it presents its readers with the best stories from the Czech Republic and abroad by selected authors, plus features and book and film reviews. It is aimed at the smart, thinking reader and is keen to help beginning authors.

Nakladatelství XYZ - Albatros Media a.s. (P208, )

Na Pankráci 30/1618
140 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
  • Petr Tychtl, programový ředitel
  • ,
tel.: +420 261 397 220
fax: +420 234 633 262
XYZ publishes literature in the Czech original and translation, biografy of celebrities, movie books and publications about comics.

XB-1 FANS (P615, )

Czech Republic
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A club for friends of sci-fi, fantasy and horror. A founding meeting complete with interesting presentations and guests will be held at the BookWorld fair under the patronage of the XB-1 literary magazine. More info at www.xb1fans.cz.