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14 - 17 May

Book World Prague 2015
21st international book fair and literary festival

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Jan-Press s.r.o. (L606, )

Jalodvorská 1617/28
142 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
  • Ing. Stanislav Večeřa, jednatel
  • ,
mob.: +420 777 581 212
Jan-Press Publishers = children’s books, creative workbooks etc. We and our partner company O-Press supply books to c. 15 European countries. We regularly publish children’s books, colouring books, cutouts, creative workbooks and magazines filled with stickers. Our second programme comprises calendars and diaries. We sell several million units per year – throughout Europe.

Janáčkova akademie múzických umění v Brně (P202, )

Novobranská 3
662 15 Brno
Czech Republic
  • Mgr. Klára Hanáková, Ph.D., vedoucí Edičního střediska
  • Václav Kovář, distribuce a prodej, sazba a tisk
Publishes works for study purposes and specialized works on the theory and history of music and theatre.

Jarmila Beranová - Pastelový svět (L314, )

Pujmanové 27/881
140 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
  • Jarmila Beranová, spisovatelka, vydavatelka, malířka, terapeutka
  • ,
tel.: +420 261 226 474, mob.: +420 606 118 857
Author, painter and publisher of books, postcards, memory card games and CDs on art therapy for children and adults; trainer and therapist.

Jiří Josek - Nakladatelství Romeo (L307, )

Pod Bání 21
180 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic
  • Jiří Josek, majitel
  • ,
tel.: +420 283 840 193, mob.: +420 605 960 211
fax: +420 283 840 193
A bilingual edition of the works of Shakespeare, world and Czech fiction.

JTP – Jednota tlumočníků a překladatelů (Foyer, )

Senovážné náměstí 23
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
  • Amalaine Diabová, předsedkyně JTP
  • Petr Kautský, šéfredaktor ToP, (tlumočení-překlad)
tel.: +420 224 142 312, 420 224 142 517
The Union of Interpreters and Translators - professional organisation, brings out the specialist journal ToP (interpreting - translating).

Nakladatelství JOTA, s.r.o. (L302, )

Škárova 16
612 00 Brno
Czech Republic
  • Božena Štofková, ředitelka Nakladatelství JOTA
  • Renata Růžová, manažerka obchodu a marketingu
tel.: +420 539 086 580, mob.: +420 737 259 006
In the 25 years of its existence Jota has published over 1950 titles in the following series: Fiction, Popular Science, For Children and Young People, Non-fiction and Military, Travel, Bradt Travel Guides, Rough Guides.